Keep up with the times in regards to creative and rewarding employment!
Explore the data on career opportunities
Here are career titles for ITECH graduates: #1, #2, #3, #4
Here are numerous classified ads that explain what skills they are looking for.
Demand for soft skills is likely to increase as automation becomes more widespread.
Skill like communication, creativity and collaboration are all virtually impossible to automate, which means if you have these skills you’ll be even more valuable to organizations in the future. Digital marketing is a broad field that encompasses a variety of career titles, from social media managers, to media planners, to ad buyers, and many more. What all these positions have in common is the use of digital media, either web or mobile, to reach out to customers or collect data about them—or both. Because of data mining and increased research on consumer behavior, digital marketing will only become more important in the 21st Century. Traditional forms of marketing, such as direct mail and TV commercials are already dwindling in effectiveness unless they are complemented with strong digital marketing. As such, digital marketing has a bright career outlook.
- Meet with clients or management to discuss the needs and design of a website,
- Create and test applications for a website,
- Write code for the website, using programming languages such as HTML or XML,
- Work with other team members to determine what information the site, application, game design or digital media will contain,
- Work with graphics and other designers to determine the website’s layout,
- Integrate graphics, audio, and video for online products (websites, applications, game design, dynamic animated interactive media,
- Monitor website traffic
- User experience (UX) director
- Creative director
- Demand generation manager
- Marketing director
- Media director
- Advertising account director
- User experience (UX) designer
- Marketing analytics manager
- Interactive art director
- Brand/product manager
- User experience (UX) researcher
- Mobile designer
Software Developers invent the technologies we sometimes take for granted. For instance, that app that rings, sings or buzzes you out of a deep sleep every morning? A software developer helped design that. And when you roll into the office and turn on your computer, clicking and scrolling through social media, music and your personal calendar – software developers had a big hand in shaping those, too.
You might spend your lunch shopping, and before you make that big purchase, you check your bank account balance using your phone. Later, you’re cooking a new recipe from that great app your friend told you about. As you look over the course of your day, you come to see that software developers are the masterminds behind the technologies you now can’t imagine living without.
The best software developers are creative and have the technical expertise to carry out innovative ideas. You might expect software developers to sit at their desks designing programs all day – and they do, but their job involves many more responsibilities. They could spend their days working on a client project from scratch and writing new code. But they could also be tasked with maintaining or improving the code for programs that are already up and running.
Software developers also check for bugs in software. And although the job does involve extreme concentration and chunks of uninterrupted time, software developers have to collaborate with others, including fellow developers, managers or clients. Developers are often natural problem solvers who possess strong analytical skills and the ability to think outside the box.
Software developers are employed in a range of industries, including computer systems design, manufacturing and finance. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects 25.6 percent employment growth for software developers between 2018 and 2028. In that period, an estimated 241,500 jobs should open up.
Web Developers are responsible for creating websites. When these artists do their jobs well, everything about a site seems to fit together superbly, from the colors and graphics, to the images and special effects (or “animation,” to those in the know), to the navigation.
The job includes meeting with clients and asking broad questions like, “What do you want your site to accomplish?” and more detailed questions like, “What features do you want your site to have?” After ascertaining a client’s desires, web developers will start designing. At Big Drop Inc., a web design and development company in New York City, this involves a multistep process, which includes innovating a new design, writing the code, adding animation if needed, checking for bugs and fixing them, presenting the client with a test site, and moving the site to the client’s server. “We don’t use any templates,” says Garry Kanfer, president of Big Drop. “We start from a blank canvas, and the client has to approve everything, page by page.”
Although some web developers will design a website’s front and back end, many web development companies split these responsibilities. For instance, some web developers will work in Photoshop to create the overall design, while others will be in charge of writing the code in programming languages such as HTML and CSS. Developers must take into account a client’s products or services as well as the target market to create a site that appeals to the client’s customers or intended audience. The job requires a knowledge of software programs, web applications and programming languages, as well as a solid understanding of design principles. Work environments for web developers vary from large corporations or governments to small businesses. Developers may be full-time employees or part-time consultants, or work on a contract basis as freelancers.
“The biggest shift in the industry is mobile technologies,” says Andrew Ruditser, lead technology coordinator at Maxburst Inc., a web development company on Long Island. “We have to make sure our sites don’t just look good on desktops, but also on Androids and iPhones.” The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects 13.0 percent employment growth for web developers between 2018 and 2028. In that period, an estimated 20,900 jobs should open up.
Real World Experience in an academic program – testimonials by student graduates
ITECH Badges – . . . there are other potential sticking points. A program to award badges for proficiency, not just participation. It also has to be interesting enough to attract students—not just when they’re about to start looking for jobs, but early in their college careers, while they still have time to acquire the skills they need to earn the badges. READ MORE
Education Design Lab
Resumes – View video to see how long employers spend on a resume.

Multimedia, Animator: Design, create, and modify Web sites. Analyze user needs to implement Web site content, graphics, performance, and capacity. May integrate Web sites with other computer applications. May convert written, graphic, audio, and video components to compatible Web formats by using software designed to facilitate the creation of Web and multimedia content. ( Also under Video Game Designers)
Web Developers: Design, create, and modify Web sites. Analyze user needs to implement Web site content, graphics, performance, and capacity. May integrate Web sites with other computer applications. May convert written, graphic, audio, and video components to compatible Web formats by using software designed to facilitate the creation of Web and multimedia content. Excludes “Multimedia Artists and Animators”.
Graphic Designers: Design or create graphics to meet specific commercial or promotional needs, such as packaging, displays, or logos. May use a variety of mediums to achieve artistic or decorative effects.
Desktop Publishers: Format typescript and graphic elements using computer software to produce publication-ready material. (print)
Required skills and experience with tools for a career:
Multimedia, Animators
Web Design and Developers
Game Designers
Graphic Design
Fine Arts
Film and Video
Compare skills, experience and education of careers
Multimedia, Animator and Graphic Designer
Graphic Designer and Web Designer
Film Editors and Photographers
Graphic Designers and Fine Artists
Game Designer and Multimedia, Animator
Desktop Publishing and Web Developers

Email Prof. Deb Krikun to discuss your future career and the courses that are offered in the SUNY WCC Interactive Technology Program.