New Media Group welcomes 2022-23 Officers.
Thanks to the former NMG Officers (see below) who have paved and prepared President Nicky Romano along with Vice President and Leo Kuehlwein to take on a NEW leadership for NMG’s mission and vision!
LEARN as you PLAY with
Join Us!!! As we move forward with Virtual Reality games thanks to WCC SGA and UNITY. We now have 10 VR headsets and will be launching VR AMONG US December 2022, so all players can join in the fun with a VR experience.
Here is our DISCORD Link so that you can stay posted with events.
Join WCC’s GETINVOLVED app and become a New Media Group member!
2019-2022 – NEW MEDIA GROUP

This Spring 2021, New Media Group can proudly announce a new home for the student club. SUNY WCC will be offering a new INTERACTIVE TECHNOLOGIES AAS (ITECH) where students can choose a concentration between DIGITAL MARKETING, WEB DESIGN (UX/UI), COMPUTER ANIMATION, GAME DESIGN and INTERNET OF THINGS (IoT). New Media Group will continue hosting new media events to help NMG members to pursue a new media careers utilizing innovative creative technologies.
Contact Faculty Advisor Prof. Deb Krikun for more information about New Media Group and the ITECH AAS program.
Welcome to New Media Group’s official website for SUNY Westchester Community College a student club that was founded in 2004.
Over the years many NMG Officers (President, Vice President, Treasurer and more) have hosted many digital media events such as the legacy of DIG.IT.ALL Film and Animation Festival (2004-2017) premiered at Peekskill Paramount Theater or they have coordinated animation studio tours such as TITMOUSE Studios or have invited renown artists such as Joshua Davis to speak to students.
In 2016, NMG has primarily hosted live video game tournaments on the main Valhalla campus every Wednesday during Common Hour (11am-1pm) in the Tech Bldg Lounge. Every end of the semester, NMG hosts GAME ON Championship Tournaments in the Hankin Arts Theater where winners are rewarded with Gift Cards.
During the Covid crisis of Spring 2020 – 2021 NMG was able to continue live streaming with WCC students to sustain a student connection and to support a new media experience for all NMG members and participants.
GAME ON . . .
Introducing our 2022-2023 AWESOME NMG Officers on Discord
Interested in joining? Here is the discord:

NMG’s Affiliation to SUNY WCC ITECH AAS Degree
Where NMG members experience and explore
New Media Careers. Transfer and Internship Recommendations also advised.